How Long Does It Take to Learn Python? Insights from the Experts


Python's popularity as a versatile programming language is rapidly growing, especially in areas such as data science, web development, and artificial intelligence. Everyone wants a piece of it and for good reasons. And a common question is how many months or days it takes to learn Python. This takes arguments from a discussion between Guido van Rossum, Python's creator, and Lex Fridman, a well-known researcher.

Factors Influencing Learning Time

The journey to learning Python is not a one-size-fits-all. For example, if you have ever coded in any other languages (Java, Typescript, Perl, etc) then you might pick it days, once you know the syntax. If you are brand new to coding, it might differ on the quality of teaching resources utilized, and the amount of time dedicated to learning each week.

Insights from the Video

In the video, Guido van Rossum explain that according to him, achieving proficiency, especially to tackle complex projects, will likely require many years. But he also says that a focused individual could grasp the foundational elements within a few months. I would say that for absolute beginners, dedicating six to twelve months is a practical and realistic timeframe to achieve a good level of understanding and begin applying Python to solve problems (which is what you should be aiming for).

Resources and Tips for Learning Python

Effective resources for learning Python include online courses like those offered by Coursera and Udemy, interactive platforms like Codecademy, and the rich community support found in forums such as Stack Overflow and Reddit. Joining Python meetups and coding groups can also provide practical experience and mentorship. I wrote a bit more in depth about ressources [in this post().


How many months it takes to learn Python can vary widely based on personal circumstances and goals. However, the learning process is highly rewarding and opens numerous doors to professional opportunities. In my opinion it is important to approach Python with a fail fast approach. Try to solve a problem and learn on the job. That is how most of us do it!

For more detailed expert insights, watch the full video discussion here: How to Learn Python - YouTube.