Find the error
def format_user_info(name, age, city):
    # Format user information
    user_info = 'Name: %s, Age: %d, City: %s' % (name, age, city)
    # Using f-string
    user_info = f'Name: {name}, Age: {age}, City: {city}'
    # Attempt to use .format()
    user_info = 'Name: {0}, Age: {1}, City: {2}'.format{name, age, city}
# Test the function
format_user_info('Alice', 30, 'New York')

String Formatting Syntax in Python

In this exercise, you'll encounter different string formatting techniques in Python. Your task is to identify the line with a syntax error in string formatting and then select the correct implementation. Pay close attention to the syntax of the .format() method, focusing on parentheses, curly braces, and argument separation. Remember, we're looking for actual syntax errors, not just suboptimal code.